
Baby Lighthouse



1. 技能的入步


With the continuous development of technology, the technology of test-tube babies is also constantly improving. The third generation of test-tube babies uses more advanced embryo culture technology, including embryo quality assessment, single embryo culture, embryo freezing technology, etc., greatly improving the survival rate and implantation rate of fertilized eggs. In addition, the third generation of test-tube babies also introduces genetic screening technology, which can screen out embryos with genetic diseases, improve the health of embryos, and reduce the incidence of genetic diseases.

2. 胜利率的普及


Compared with the first and second generations of test-tube babies, the success rate of the third generation of test-tube babies has significantly improved. Through more advanced technology and methods, the success rate of the third generation of test-tube babies can reach 70% or even higher. This is due to the advancement of embryo culture technology, the improvement of embryo quality, and the application of genetic screening technology, which enables more couples to successfully welcome their own babies.

3. 平安性的普及


The third generation of test-tube babies has not only improved in success rate, but also significantly improved in safety. The new embryo culture technology and genetic screening technology can better guarantee the health and quality of embryos, reducing the incidence of complications after embryo transplantation. In addition, the third generation of test-tube babies has also introduced more precise embryo implantation technology, reducing the risk of multiple pregnancies and improving the safety of mothers and babies.

四. 共性化定造


The third generation of test-tube babies can also achieve personalized customization, developing more personalized fertility plans based on the needs of couples and the situation of embryos. Through genetic screening technology, embryos with genetic diseases can be screened out, and embryos that better meet the requirements of the couple can also be screened out, achieving more precise fertility.

5. 口理教导取收持


During the process of the third generation of test-tube babies, psychological counseling and support have become more important. Hospitals and professional institutions will provide couples with comprehensive psychological support and counseling to help them relieve anxiety and stress, maintain a good attitude, and also have a certain effect on the success rate.

6. 社会收持取闭注


With the continuous development of the third generation of test-tube baby technology, society's support and attention to test-tube babies are also increasing. More and more policies and laws support the development of test-tube babies, and society is more inclusive and understanding of test-tube baby families, providing more support and help for couples to welcome new life.
