
Baby Lighthouse



Now, what generation are test tube babies?


The first generation of test tube babies was born in 1978. This was a milestone moment, marking the first successful use of IVF technology to assist in conception. This groundbreaking event brought hope and opportunity to couples who were unable to conceive naturally. However, the success rate of the first generation of test tube babies was not high, and the technology was still very immature.


As time passed, test tube baby technology continued to improve and evolve, entering into the second generation. The birth rate of the second generation of test tube babies has significantly increased, and the success rate has also improved noticeably. This generation of test tube baby technology is more mature and reliable, bringing hope of conception to more couples.


Now, we are in the third generation of test tube baby technology. The third generation of test tube baby technology has reached unprecedented heights, with greatly improved success rates and safety. With the continuous advancement of science and technology, the third generation of test tube baby technology has become the first choice for many infertile couples, bringing them the miracle of conception.


In conclusion, the current test tube baby technology has developed into the third generation, with greatly improved success rates and safety. This generation of test tube baby technology has become a blessing for many infertile couples, bringing them hope and joy of conception.
